
Nekonecne rady s programem Maple

Vypocet limity posloupnosti funkci, animovani posloupnosti funkci

Karel Srot, xsrot@math.muni.cz


Zapisnik ilustruje vypocet limity posloupnosti funkci v programu Maple.


Priklad 1: Znazornete prvních n  clenu posloupnosti funkcí { x^n }, x=0..1 a urcete jeji limitu.

>    restart:

>    f:=(n,x)->x^n;

f := (n, x) -> x^n

>    plots[animate](f(n,x),x=0..1, n=0..19, frames=20, thickness=2);

[Maple Plot]


vypocet limity bez omezeni na interval

>    limit(f(n,x),n=infinity);

limit(x^n,n = infinity)

omezime se na interval [0,1]

>    assume(x::RealRange(0,1));

>    limit(f(n,x),n=infinity);


odpoved presto neni spravna, protoze pro x=1  je limita rovna jedne.

>    limit(f(n,1),n=infinity);



Priklad 2: Znazornete prvních n  clenu posloupnosti funkcí {arctan( nx )} a urcete jeji limitu.

>    restart:

>    f:=(n,x)->arctan(n*x);

f := (n, x) -> arctan(n*x)

>    plots[animate](f(n,x),x=-5..5, n=0..39, frames=20, thickness=2, scaling=constrained, numpoints=200);

[Maple Plot]

>    limit(f(n,x),n=infinity);


Odpoved Maple je tentokrat spravna, funkce csgn  je funkce signum komplexni prommene. Upresnime-li, ze promenna x  je realna, ziskame odpoved obsahujici funkci signum .

>    assume(x::real);

>    limit(f(n,x),n=infinity);



Priklad 3:

>    restart:

>    f:=(n,x)->exp(-n*x^2);

f := (n, x) -> exp(-n*x^2)

>    plots[animate](f(n,x),x=-2..2, n=0..19, frames=20, thickness=2, numpoints=200, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

>    assume(x::real);

>    limit(f(n,x), n=infinity);


>    limit(f(n,0), n=infinity);



Priklad 4:  Vysetrete konvergenci funkce z = abs(x)^n+abs(y)^n  na mnozine M=[-1,1]x[-1,1] .

>    restart;

>    f:=(n,x,y)->abs(x)^n+abs(y)^n;

f := (n, x, y) -> abs(x)^n+abs(y)^n

>    plots[animate](plot3d,[f(n,x,y),x=-1..1,y=-1..1], n=0..29,frames=30,scaling=constrained,axes=framed,view=0..2);

[Maple Plot]

Z grafu je patrne, ze pro body ve vnitrku mnoziny je limita rovna 0, pro body na hranici rovna 1 s vyjimkou ctyr "rohu", kde je limita rovna dvema.



Vypocet limity pomoci procedury FindSequenceLimit


>    restart:

>    currentdir("c:/devel/maple/phd/export"):

>    read "posl_a_rady_fci_proc.mpl":


>    infolevel[FindSequenceLimit]:=2:


limita posloupnosti {x^n} pro x z R

>    FindSequenceLimit(x^n,n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Could not find the limit function

limit(x^n,n = infinity)

totez s omezenim na interval [0,1]

>    FindSequenceLimit(x^n,n,x=RealRange(0,1));

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   0

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    x^(n-1)*n

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   0, 1

PIECEWISE([1, x = 1],[0, otherwise])

totez s omezenim na interval [0,1)

>    FindSequenceLimit(x^n,n,x=RealRange(0,Open(1)));

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   0

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    x^(n-1)*n

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   0



Dalsi priklady:

>    FindSequenceLimit(exp(-n*x^2),n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   0

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    -2*n*x*exp(-n*x^2)

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   -infinity, 0, infinity

PIECEWISE([1, x = 0],[0, otherwise])

>    FindSequenceLimit(piecewise(x<0,1/n,1/(2*n)),n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   0

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    0

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   -infinity, 0, infinity


>    FindSequenceLimit(arctan(n*x),n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   1/2*signum(x)*Pi

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    n/(1+n^2*x^2)

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   -infinity, infinity

PIECEWISE([-1/2*Pi, x < 0],[0, x = 0],[1/2*Pi, 0 < x])

>    FindSequenceLimit(piecewise(x<0,1/n,x<=1, x^n, x<2, x, 1/(2*n)),n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   piecewise(x < 1,0,x < 2,x,2 <= x,0)

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    piecewise(x < 0,0,x < 1,x^(n-1)*n,x < 2,1,2 <= x,0)

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   -infinity, 0, 1, 2, infinity

PIECEWISE([0, x < 1],[x, x < 2],[0, 2 <= x])


>    FindSequenceLimit(x^n-x^(2*n),n,x);

FindSequenceLimit:   Could not find the limit function

limit(x^n-x^(2*n),n = infinity)

>    FindSequenceLimit(x^n-x^(2*n),n,x=RealRange(0,1));

FindSequenceLimit:   Limit function found by Maple   0

FindSequenceLimit:   Derivative of the function    x^(n-1)*n-2*x^(2*n-1)*n

FindSequenceLimit:   We will explore points   x   =   0, 1





