FourierTrigSeries package for Maple

Karel Šrot, xsrot(at),
Department of mathematics and statistics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

Older pages with package Fourier can be found here (in czech).
Starší verzi stránek věnovaných modulu Fourier naleznete zde.

Previous package name FourierSeries was changed to FourierTrigSeries to be distinguished from the FourierSeries package made by Wilhelm Werner.

This package provides new data structure for the representation of trigonometric series and also several procedures to manipulate with trigonometric series and to compute Fourier series (see some examples).

Visit Fourier trigonometric series calculator web page which allows you to compute Fourier series directly in your web browser.


  • Package FourierTrigSeries version 0.41 - updated fourth version of the package. First version with that contains help file for Maple.
  • Package FourierTrigSeries version 0.4 - the fourth version of the package.
  • Package FourierSeries version 0.31 - updated third version of the package.
  • Package FourierSeries version 0.3 - the third version of the package.
  • Package FourierSeries version 0.2 - the second version of the package.
  • Package FourierSeries version 0.1 - the first version of the package.

Last update: 20th of April 2010

since 11/02/2008